Company information and address
Address | CompuPhase (statutory name: Informatie-Technologisch Bureau CompuPhase) Eerste Industriestraat 19-21 1401 VL Bussum Netherlands |
Telephone | +31 35 6939261 | | |
web-site | |
Chamber of Commerce | 32041148 |
Legal form | sole proprietorship |
EU VAT/VIES | NL001932138B21 |
EORI (customs) | NL8419109153 |
General terms and conditions
All business is transacted subject to the terms and conditions as registered with the Chamber of Commerce at Almere, The Netherlands, under number 32041148.
Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement or recommendation.
CompuPhase cannot be held liable for any damage (direct or indirect) caused by the use of the information, the documents or the programs that are distributed through this Web-site. CompuPhase does not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed.
Privacy statement
If you enter into an agreement with CompuPhase, we will record your address and contact details. When using online payment (which is optional), these data are shared with payment service providers (Docdata, Sisow). Besides these service providers, these data are not shared with other parties, and they are not used for other purposes. For viewing, changing or deleting your data, you can submit a written request to us (although we are required by accountacy law to retain some data relating to purchases for several years).
Cookie statement
CompuPhase uses a cookie solely to hold the contents of your cart. There are no personal data in this cookie. For this reason, we do not need to ask permission for the use of cookies. CompuPhase does not use tracking cookies (which can be used to track your movements on the Internet). We do not use Google Analytics either.
A multilingual site
The CompuPhase web site supports four languages: Dutch, English, French and German. When a page is also available in a different language, you can switch to that language by clicking on the flag in the upper right of the page.
That being said, not all information on the site is present in all four languages. The pages and articles on the CompuPhase site complement each other, rather than being plain translations.