CompuPhase articles & application notes

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Articles and application notes


There is a variety of articles published here. Most of our current on-line publications are "for engineers" (including "programmers"); they are also written by engineers.

A few of our writings have been published as magazine articles. These articles themselves may not be available on this site (as we sold the copyright), but we have links to the draft articles (when available), plus errata and additional material to the original article.

Customers of one of our products may want to look specifically at our selection of Application Notes, which discuss extensions and advanced use of the products. These notes supplement the manual(s) for the product.

CompuPhase has been active in software development since its founding in 1986. We have collected our insights and experiences in various articles aimed at programmers. These are under the Programming section. Not all articles will still be relevant on modern hardware or contemporary operating systems, but the articles are kept (also as a memento of times past).

Development of electronics is the other field that CompuPhase has been active in since its founding. The various articles, ranging from theory and design to production, are collected in the Electronics topic. Amongst others, we provide a few solutions to component storage that are specifically aimed at small production houses.

All papers and articles on this site are copyrighted work. Many of the articles are licensed under a "Creative Commons License" (see the bottom for the applicable articles). For the remaining articles, all rights are reserved.