Product information
CompuPhase produces hardware and software products. A brief overview of our products is listed below. Note that CompuPhase can also develop customized versions of its products, or create products or applications per your specifications. Contact us for more information.
End products
DM440 audio player/controller
A high-quality audio player for a background music system, with daily schedules and automatic updates.
USB Pushbuttons, Dome Button & Interfaces
A series of large and robust buttons, connectable to a PC via a USB cable or via a wireless dongle.
Modules & semi-finished products
Programmable Audio players
Our solid-state audio players are suitable for embedding in scale models, game consoles and kiosk applications, as well as to be part of high-quality broadcast or narrowcast systems. These sturdy and high-quality players are programmable by the end user (or site owner) through a scripting language. As a result, the audio players can fit into almost any design for which you need high-quality audio.
USB & Wireless Input/Output modules
The USB input module allows for capturing switch presses/releases on a workstation. This module is also used in our USB buttons.
The wireless relay module is a receiver module for the Battery-free Wireless Button, to switch devices from a distance.
LED effect lighting
We offer a few lighting solutions for scale models, indicator lights, displays, or other functions. These products are based on high-efficiency LEDs.
Software products
CompuPhase actively develops and commercializes several software tools and development libraries. Most of them are targeted to programmers and professional end users. A few of our products are freeware or open source; other products are commercial. Full source code to our commercial products is usually available.
Programming languages and systems
EGO for Windows
- EGO for Windows is a very complete authoring system to develop applications
for training, presentation and simulation.
Look also at the "Application notes on EGO, for detailed information that supplements the manual. "pawn": embedded scripting language
A tiny and fast programming languages for computer games, animations and embedded applications. It may also be used as a general scripting system.
Libraries and components (for developers)
minIni: a minimal INI file parser
minIni is a programmer's library to read and write "INI" files in embedded systems. minIni takes little resources and can be configured for various kinds of file I/O libraries. minIni provides functionality for reading, writing and deleting keys from an INI file, all in a tiny and easy to port library.
Rosette - internationalize applications
- Rosette helps with the creation and maintenance of applications that must be presented in multiple languages.
More libraries and components...
- A few older software products of this categorie are listed here.
Applications & Utilities
Termite - a simple RS232 terminal for Microsoft Windows
Termite is an RS232 terminal that is very easy to configure and use (developers can pre-configure it too, so that it runs out of the box).
PaletteMaker - optimal colour palettes
- PaletteMaker is a professional tool to create optimal colour palettes from a series of "True Color" images. The utility has many configuration options and uses state-of-the art algorithms.
RCS Browser - GUI front-end for GNU RCS
RCS Browser is a GUI front-end to the Revision Control System. For people working in a team, there are now better options for version control than RCS, but RCS is still a worthwhile option for someone working alone on a project. RCS Browser focuses on that scenario.
The SYLT Editor - create/edit synchronized lyrics
The SYLT Editor is a self-contained utility to create or modify SYLT frames in an MP3 track (or, more accurately: a SYLT frame is inside an ID3 tag, which in turn is prefixed to an MP3 track). A SYLT frame contains text (e.g. the lyrics of a song) plus time-stamps attached to each line, word or syllable. Versions of the SYLT Editor are available for Microsoft Windows and for Linux.
SvnRev - a programmers' tool for Subversion and CVS/RCS
SvnRev is a little program that writes the current revision number of project into a C/C++ header file or a Java package file. This revision number is stored in constants (macros in the case of C/C++, both as a number and as a string. SvnRev is specifically designed for the Subversion version control system, but it can also be used with CVS and RCS.
Most recent update: Support for the new "working copy" of Subversion 1.7; relaxed requirement for RCS keywords in source files (on Subversion 1.7 working copies).More applications and utilities....
- A few older software products of this categorie are listed here.
Electronic design
VisualPlace assists in (manual or automated) PCB assembly. Component placement is extracted from files generated from the EDA suite —notably the Gerber files, the centroid file(s) and the bill-of-materials.
The application visualizes the component placement and converts the files (with corrections, where applicable) for further automated processing. Creating placement information (with semi-automatic centre-finding for the centroid markers) is also possible.
Due to a plug-in architecture, VisualPlace works with many EDA suites, and more can be added.
Packages is a tool to maintain a repository of packages of electronic components. It is developed with the goal that various applications use one and the same repository as a basis for their handling of packages.
The repository is in a well-documented JSON format, easy to parse in a variety of programming languages.
KiCad Librarian
A utility to move & copy footprints or schematic symbols from one library to another, and to optionally adjust the parameters of these footprint/symbols. This program supports the KiCad EDA suite.