Daemon server

Daemon server provides run time loading and linking of drivers and function
libraries under DOS. It allows device and code sharing, and run time loading
and unloading of "daemons" (function libraries, drivers, ...), while taking
very little overhead.
The evaluation version of Daemon server comes with a detailed manual in ASCII format, which compares daemons to statically linked libraries and against DLLs for Windows and OS/2.
The Daemon server evaluation package also includes a sample daemon and a program that uses the daemon. Full source in C (Borland or Microsoft) for these samples is provided.
Other daemons
SysInfo is a set of hardware and software detection routines. Among the components and peripherals that are detected are:
the video card | serial ports |
the keyboard type | the processor and co-processor |
mouse support | the system bus type |
memory size and configuration | the processor mode |
logical drives and their types | PCMCIA support |
parallel ports | long filenames |
See the manual of SysInfo for more information.
- Download the SysInfo daemon, version 1.1 (55 KiB)
- Download LDIR, a sample that shows how to read long filenames from DOS, using SysInfo (41 KiB)
Tabula is a deamon that provides simple record input and output using standard text files. It provides both reading and writing to these text files. When writing, it supports insertion of a record somewhere in the middle of the file.
Tabula supports virtually unlimited file sizes (up to 2 GB) and very long records (up to 64 KiB).
To use Tabula, you also need the "Daemon server" package. The documentation that comes with Daemon server contains detailed descriptions on how to compile and link an application to use daemons.