Electronics: Theoretical concepts

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Electronics: Theoretical concepts


Articles on design techniques and theoretical concepts.

History of changes Parallel Capacitors and the effect of Antiresonance (PDF)
When multiple capacitors are used for decoupling (which is quite common for micro-controllers and FPGAs, for example), must these all have the same value, or is there an advantage in mounting multiple capacitors with different values in parallel? This white paper presents experiments that demonstrate the effect (and magnitude) of antiresonance when mixing capacitor values. It concludes that, as a rule of thumb, you should keep all decoupling capacitors the same.
Interfacing the VS1053 and VS1063 to DACs and SRCs
The VS1053 and VS1063 audio decoder chips from VLSI Solutions support I2S output (in addition to analogue audio output). However, the specific I2S format narrows your choice of DAC, SRC or DSP. The simple circuit presented in this application note converts the I2S format from the VS10x3 to 32Fs Right-Justified, which has much wider support by DAC, SRC and DSP chips.
Configuring a micro-controller for low-speed USB communication
All device controllers that support full-speed, also support low-speed. This is inherent to the protocol. However, since only few programmers have knowledge of the USB physical layer (signal levels), and few circuit designers have knowledge of the programming intricacies, low-speed configuration of an USB device is becoming "lost knowledge". This article fills the void.
Candela, Lumen, Lux: the equations
There are various measures in use for quantifying the light produced by a light source, such as a LED. This article gives a brief overview of the more important measures and how they relate.
    Most recent update: A paragraph on Luminance (measured in Candela per square metre, or "Nits") is included.